
Hello from Providence! Today's puzzle is kind of strange. I wanted to make a crossword that was all about "crosswordese", which I understand as words that appear more in crosswords than they do in your daily life. For me, because I see them so often I tend to think of them as more important words, but I don't think that's actually true. For example, AIDA is a memorable Verdi opera, but is it his most memorable? (I really don't know; I'm not much of an opera person.) Or is it just that it has four letters and is mostly vowels, and it's more difficult to get LA TRAVIATA in a puzzle? That's a bad example, but I do wonder about all the repeated words!

To that end there is this puzzle, which has five themers based on E crosswordese words. Since we see these words so often, I thought it would be a good idea to know something about them! So I hope you enjoy these interesting (to me) facts about some beloved crossword words. Thanks are due especially to Quiara, who gave me amazing guidance and expertise, at one point telling me I needed to redo the whole grid. Oh, I forgot to mention this is a 17x17! Also thanks to Frisco for another test solve.

[.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]


  1. fun puzzle. aida has elephants, so it's got that going for it


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