Pouring It On

Hello! I hope you're having a good day. I had fun at Boswords Winter Wondersolve, and was feeling very good until the last puzzle where I made a very dumb mistake. But it's okay! I still had a good time, and will just need to keep practicing. I also should acknowledge my silent partner in all this (see picture above).

Today's puzzle came from finding a 15-letter phrase that I was surprised to see hadn't appeared in a puzzle before. I never know how to feel when coming across these, because surely someone has used it??? Crosswords have been around for over 100 years. These things get published every day. If you or someone you know has used this theme before, I apologize!! In any case I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks to Kate Chin Park for test solving!!

[.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]


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