Bitter Earth (Semi-Themeless #2)

Hello! I hope you are well. It's March? (this statement has not been verified)

I'm excited about this puzzle, it is my first asymmetrical puzzle! It was very hard to make, and I don't know how people do this all the time. But I had this idea for a semi-theme, inspired by a random comment from a recent Crossweird stream. It wouldn't work with standard symmetry, so here we are! I think in my mind a "semi-themeless" is a puzzle with three theme entries and no revealer? But also the title is sort of a cryptic hint to the semi-theme. Maybe I should accept that it's themed after all. I don't know!

I think this puzzle might be a bit harder than other ones I've done. Norah Sharpe was kind enough to test solve. I hope you enjoy!

[.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]


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