All Together and All Backwards

Hello! It is crazy to say this, but it turns out the first crossword on this blog was posted exactly one year ago on May 29, 2022. WTF?? How did this happen?? I am very grateful to have been able to share my ridiculous puzzles with you. And even more crazily, I have collaborated on puzzles that have actually run in newspapers (???). Ridiculous!

With that said, I think I need to take a short break. To be honest with you, I am having trouble coming up with ideas! And there are other things that need attention. So most likely I will skip the next two week mark, and have my goal to have a new puzzle on June 25.

But in the meantime, I want to give you two new puzzles to solve! These puzzles go together and a have a theme that I am quite certain will not make any sense to anyone. Once you're done with them, this video should hopefully explain everything.

Thank you to the one and only Quiara Vasquez for the test solve! Please enjoy!

"All Together" [.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]
"All Backwards" [.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]


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