
Hello! Since the last time I posted here, I had my first cryptic puzzle published by AVCX. Let me tell you this is a huge milestone and an incredible honor! I want to thank the entire AVCX staff as well as my editor, Steve Mossberg, for making it the best it can be. I hope there will be more puzzles to come but idk!! For anyone who came here from AVCX somehow, Babka is the shorter-haired orange cat and Paprika is the medium-haired orange cat.

But here is a blog puzzle for you today. Normally I want to fit as many theme ideas into a puzzle as possible, but since Ingrid kept giving me "Unfillable" I decided to pare back and only do three themers. I hope you don't feel cheated! I think it worked out okay. I also decided to keep in an embarrassing mistake I made in the fill, as a reminder to myself that I need to double check what I'm doing. Thanks to Kate Chin Park as well as Roy Johnson for test solving!

[.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]


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