Living Hell

Hello! I suppose if I think about it, 2023 has been pretty good in the way of crosswords? By my count, 3 LA Times, a Modern, and an AVCX Cryptic?? That is not bad!! Plus a bunch of collaborations with friends, and a year's worth of puzzles for this blog. Also a few tournament apperances. Oh no great do I need to make goals for next year now?? I think the best part, as always, is getting to know and spend time with people, either on Twitch, Discord, or in person. I want you to know that I appreciate you!

This will be the final blog puzzle for 2023. The theme is based on a phrase that I actually came up with have and have been saying for probably ten years or so, and am excited to have found a way to make a puzzle with it. Quiara Vasquez did the test solving. Let me know what you think, and I hope that in the new year you can take some time to rest, much like Babka and Paprika pictured above. Thank you!

[.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]


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