Early Days

Hi there! I like to make puzzles that are very silly, and this feels like one of the stupidest ones yet. I hope you enjoy it somewhat! Thanks again to Norah for testing.

It feels weird to be at the end of the year, especially because this is the first one in a while that I can remember where I haven't been looking forward to the year to come. One thing that I'll to try to do to keep myself going is to make more crosswords. I'd also like to put this out there: if you're reading this and you are interested in making crosswords, hit me up!! I don't know that much but I will at least encourage you and maybe help you get started. I also would really like to collaborate more! I'm just going to put my email here!! Why not!!

Thank you again, all of you!!

[.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]


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