
One Great City

Hello! I am writing this a few days after getting back from Westwords , which was so much fun! Serious thanks to the tournament directors, volunteers, and constructors for creating an incredible experience. I'm so glad I decided to make the trip out west. Babka was sad to miss it but happy that he has a new water dish. I made this puzzle to bring to Westwords - for some reason I thought it was a good idea to make an NYC shitpost puzzle to hand out? I honestly don't remember why. Norah tested this! Please make sure to watch the linked video for other unused theme ideas. [ .puz ] [ Direct Crosshare link ]


Hello! I had one of those intrusive thoughts recently, and decided I needed to make a mini crossword out of it. Norah Sharpe helped with figuring out the grid, and even tested it! Will I see you at Westwords this weekend? I hope so!! (Unless you are one of the first 17 names on this list ! Stay inside!!!) [ .puz ] [ Direct Crosshare link ]


Hello! I happened to notice that the first post on this blog was published on May 29, 2022, which is two years ago. What a ridiculous time! I wanted to make a new puzzle to celebrate the anniversary, so I came with this 9x9 mini that is not related to anything at all. I hope you enjoy it! Please ignore the title, it is something that only makes sense to me. Thanks to Norah Sharpe for testing, and thanks to YOU, the solver!! [ .puz ] [ Direct Crosshare link ]

Themeless #4

It has been a little bit since my last crossword, mostly because of life things and the lack of ideas. But I want to try again! I hope this is one you enjoy. Kelsey tested this and called it "tricky!! but good!!" Also it should be mentioned that Babka turned 3 years old in April! I can't believe it!! He is simultaneously a big boy and very smol. [ .puz ] [ Direct Crosshare link ]

Here's The Story

Hello! I will be the first to say that I think this puzzle is a bit insane. I'm not quite sure why it exists. A lot of times I will hear a song and then feel like I need to make a puzzle out of it; I would say (without checking) that's probably a majority of the puzzles I've done. This one also has a meta element to it, but I'm not bothering to have it test solved so I don't actually know if it's possible to figure out. Oh well! I probably could have taken my time to perfect the theme and/or done a better job, but for some reason I felt compelled to get this out as quickly as possible. Let me know if you solve, I would love your feedback! [ .puz ] [ Direct Crosshare link ]

Make It Look Easy

Hello! Contrary to the title of this crossword, making puzzles is definitely not easy. Coming up with ideas is difficult! Today's theme came from learning a piece of information that I knew would make a good theme. I hope I was able to do it justice. (I also made a mini recently that I decided not to blog about, because I wasn't (and still am not) sure how I felt (feel) about it. Brian Cimmet recently said, "Not every idea needs to be a crossword puzzle." And yet here we are!!! One day hopefully I will be able to separate good ideas and bad ideas) Thanks again to Shannon Rapp and Will Eisenberg aka NorBron for the test solve! [ .puz ] [ Direct Crosshare link ]

Getting Into Astrology part 2

Literally as soon as I hit "Publish" on my last puzzle, I realized that there was another idea for a theme that used the same title. I got so upset about it that I decided to make another puzzle. I am sorry for everything! I hope you think this one is okay. Thanks Norah again for the test solve! [ .puz ] [ Direct Crosshare link ]