So New

Hello! I want to quickly clarify something that I talked about in the intro to the previous puzzle. I had mentioned that crossword puzzles are where I can put extremely stupid things. I think that construction was intimidating to me for a long time because I felt like I didn't have anything to say, and that I wasn't smart enough to come up with anything at all. But in constructing puzzles for this site, what I have learned is that you do not need to be smart in order to make or to solve a crossword.

For example: this crossword. Where did it come from? I have no idea. It started while trying to figure out how to make a different theme altogether. This puzzle is called "So New." The title really doesn't have anything to do with the crossword, but I did have this No Doubt song stuck in my head the entire time I was making it. So, enjoy!

Thanks to Will for the test solve!

[.puz] [Direct Crosshare link]


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